Speed of Light

Okay let's see date of my last post. I swear I feel really guilty for abandoned this blog for couple of months. 
Spend my days struggling with exams and a lot of assignments. I realized my new life here in Bandung as a college student isn't easy.
So this post is like a summary of what I've done lately.

The 1st photo - 3rd photo are about a servant gathering of Christian Student Comunnity in my campus called PMK ITB. The agenda is to tell the vision and mission of every division of PMK. 
Next, the 4rd photo - 6rd photo are the celebration of Karen's birthday. She is my friend from publication and documentation division in PMK, yeah, me and her is in the same division. 
7rd photo - 10rd photo are our physics first-year big project. Our goal is to fly a lantern for about 1 minutes with 1,5 metres height. We made it and got the full score. It feels like a miracle.

Days flew so fast. And christmas is in the way. And the most important for me is.. I will come home for christmas holiday. I miss my home more than you ever know. See my parent again and of course Milo, my dog. Oh I already imagine the christmas atmosphere now!
One more thing to say before I forget it, wait for the upcoming christmas posts!