Singing Etc

Yahoo, feeling so happy right now, because I can sing in choir exercise after long time because I was so busy with OSN and tons of exams that made me crazy and made we can't see each other for long time. Glad to see Ms. Eva, my coach. Really miss her voice when she becomes mad to the boys. LOL. 
This evening I will go to Aga's house (I already told you in the previous post about GS Challenge. I took her photo with Cyo.) for BBQ party because soon several of us be separated in the different class. Sometimes really hard to face the reality, but time always moving foward, with or without us - indeed.

The pathetic side of  choir. We can't see the show from the beginning until the end - at all. But we're always enjoy our responsibility.

Sellan, my beautiful friend.
John. Prove that everyone has their own narcissistic side.


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